Sozo students launch Tsepho, a youth-led enterprise offering portable power solutions
A youth-led enterprise from Vrygrond in the Western Cape, is switching on lights, plugs and lives through its portable power stations solution.
A youth-led enterprise from Vrygrond in the Western Cape, is switching on lights, plugs and lives through its portable power stations solution.
This month is #socialworkermonth. We commemorate social workers all around the world. This year we focus and reflect on how social workers can break barriers in bringing inclusivity to society. Diversity is a significant value and practice within Community Development and the Social Work field (Palmer & Watkins, 2017). Social work as a profession is diverse by its nature. Regardless of the field of practice, social workers are dedicated to empowering and uplifting marginalised societies – naturally, inclusivity and diversity are core to this mission. It is important for us to familiarise ourselves with the community that we serve by
The Sozo Foundation is a registered public benefit organisation with Section 18A Status.
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