Victor’s Story

Victor shares his remarkable journey from a shy, introverted young boy to a confident poet and university scholar.


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“Before joining Educentre I was a shy introverted young boy who didn’t interact much with other people. When I was in Grade 11, my friend hastily brought me the news that Educentre has two available spots open. I immediately went to Sozo and they informed me that they don’t usually accept learners in Grade 11, but that it was my lucky day.

I found it was a pivotal time of my life to have joined Educentre because I needed to apply to University that year. Joining Educentre has helped me focus on my academics. When I started Educentre I got 38% in Mathematics, but with much hard work and dedication, my results improved to 78%! After joining Educentre I experienced a drastic change in how I interact with people, so much so that my teachers in school started noticing my transformation. Educentre helped me realise that what I have to say is important and that what the youth have to say matters. Since then I have started performing poetry.

At the Sozo Graduation, I had the opportunity to perform one of my poems called Trust the Process, I love that Educentre often grants the youth a platform to express themselves freely. I believe I have a story to tell, and Educentre has played a big role in shaping my story. Educentre Story of Success Sozo is an organisation that empowers and develops young people. I am thankful to Educentre for all they have done for me and the opportunities they have granted me.

After completing High School in 2021 with a Bachelor’s pass, I am currently studying Financial Accounting and Taxation in the Business Management Science faculty at Cape Peninsula University of Technology. Once I have finished my tertiary studies, my goal is to become an entrepreneur, establishing a few successful businesses. I would also like to give back to my community, by tutoring and volunteering at Sozo showing my appreciation for all they have done for me.”

Victor Phiri

Educentre Alumni 2021, Educentre Tutor 2022


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